Check SASSA Foster Child Grant Status Online 2025

The foster child grant is financial assistance provided by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) to foster parents to help care for a foster child. A foster child is a child placed in your care by the court due to circumstances like being orphaned, abandoned, abused, neglected or at risk.

As a foster parent, you have responsibility to provide for all the foster child’s basic needs including food, clothing, shelter, medical care and education. The foster care grant from SASSA assists with covering these expenses.

Check SASSA Foster Child Grant Status Online 2025


To check your SASSA Foster Child Grant status online in 2025:

  1. Visit SASSA’s website at
  2. Use the free Moya App.
  3. SMS your ID to 082-046-8553.
  4. Contact SASSA WhatsApp at 082-046-8553.
  5. Call toll-free 0800-601011 for assistance.

Eligibility Criteria for SASSA Foster Child Grant

Before applying for the SASSA foster child grant, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria:

  • You must be a South African citizen, recognized refugee, or have permanent residency.
  • Both you and the foster child must reside in South Africa.
  • You must be appointed as the child’s legal foster parent with a court order.
  • The child must be under age 18 or under 21 if still attending secondary/high school.
  • The child must pass SASSA’s means test proving they live in poverty.

SASSA Means Test

The means test determines if the foster child meets SASSA’s financial criteria to qualify for the grant. SASSA evaluates if the child earns below twice the annual grant amount. If the child earns above this threshold, they do not qualify.

Foster Child Grant Amount

As of October 2024, the grant provides R1,180 per month for each foster child, making a meaningful difference in the lives of caregivers and children alike.

Applying for the SASSA Foster Child Grant

To start your application, obtain the court order validating your foster parent status from the Department of Social Development’s social worker.

Next, visit your nearest SASSA office and complete the application in-person. You can also apply online through the SASSA website if preferred. If unable due to age, sickness, or disability, someone can apply on your behalf using a Power of Attorney form.

Applications are free. A SASSA officer will interview you and inform if you qualify. Keep the dated receipt as application proof.

Documents Needed for Foster Child Grant in 2025

When applying, provide these original documents or certified copies:

  • Yours and the child’s ID documents
  • Child’s birth certificate
  • Court order appointing you as foster parent
  • Affidavits if IDs or birth certificate unavailable
  • Marriage/divorce certificates if applicable
  • Doctor’s note if someone is applying for you

Foster Child Application Processing Time

Processing foster child grant applications takes approximately 3 months. If approved, you will receive back payments from your application date.

Checking SASSA Foster Child Grant Application Status

Check your application status through:

  • SASSA website or simply scroll above or visit our homepage at SASSA SRD Status Check
  • Moya app
  • SMS 082046 8553
  • Call 0800 601 011

If your application gets rejected but you disagree, request SASSA to reconsider. If reconsideration fails, you can SASSA appeal to the Ministry of Social Development within 90 days.

Receiving Foster Child Grant Payments

Once approved, SASSA pays your grant through:

  • Direct deposit into your bank or Postbank account
  • Withdrawing cash at partnered retailers
  • Specific institutions like care centers

You can change your payment method anytime by submitting forms at SASSA offices read our full guide at SASSA Change Banking Details. If unable to collect payments yourself, nominate someone to collect on your behalf. For latest payment dates visit our guide SASSA Payment Dates 2024

Checking Foster Child Grant Balance

Check your remaining grant balance via:

  • USSD code *120*3210#
  • ATM withdrawal (fees may apply)
  • SASSA WhatsApp 082 046 8553
  • Calling 0800 601 011

Foster Child Grant Reviews

SASSA reviews grants every 2 years when court orders expire to confirm eligibility criteria are still met. Reviews verify the foster child’s situation has not improved and that you are still alive.

Cooperate fully during reviews to avoid grant suspension. SASSA sends written notice 3 months prior to reviews. For individuals paid into banks/institutions, submit annual life certificates.

Grant Suspension

Your grant can be suspended if:

  • The foster child’s circumstances change
  • You provided false information
  • Did not cooperate during review
  • Review outcome is unfavorable
  • Grant was approved incorrectly

If you disagree with SASSA’s suspension decision, appeal to the Ministry of Social Development within 90 days.

Lapsing Foster Child Grant

Your grant will lapse if:

  • The child turns 18 (or 21 if in school)
  • The child or last foster parent dies
  • The child is admitted into a state institution
  • Your foster care or refugee status ends
  • You do not collect payments for 3 consecutive months
  • You are out of the country over 90 days without notifying SASSA

Foster Parent Responsibilities

As a grant beneficiary, you must:

  • Keep your and the foster child’s details updated with SASSA
  • Timely inform SASSA of address/contact detail changes
  • Provide accurate information always
  • Not participate in grant fraud

Failing to update your address with SASSA could lead to grant suspension or interruptions.

Contact SASSA

Contact SASSA regarding additional questions at:

  • Toll-Free Call Centre: 0800 60 10 11
  • Head Office: 012 400 2322
  • Email: [email protected]
  • SASSA office locator

This covers everything you need to know relating to eligibility, application, payments and reviews for the SASSA foster child grant. Be sure to check back frequently for status updates on your application.

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